Three Creekside teachers standing together and smiling at Open House night
Art students posing with their work and teacher Jane Montero
Older student explains the garden to younger students
students posing at an anti-bullying demonstration
Beekeeping club students in their beekeeper suits
Creekside kitchen garden in summer
Board President Mara Greatorex and Creekside Principal Tammy Reich
four students smiling and standing on the track
STudent shouting through a paper megaphone and giving a thumbs up.
Silhouettes of students being active on the turf at Al Ritt
Student artwork - paper quilt squares from exchange project
Creekside students sitting on a curb watching HOCO parade

Mission Statement

At Creekside Intermediate School, we focus on the particular needs of the later elementary/pre-adolescent child. We consider ourselves “adolescent specialists." The emphasis we place on academic growth helps students apply basic skills acquired in the earlier grades and build upon the strong foundation developed in grades K-4.

We also work to develop greater independence and responsibility for social choices and study habits. We believe that the core academic offerings of Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies should be balanced with instruction in the arts (visual, music and technology) and opportunities for physical activity (lifetime fitness and daily recess). We help students and their families prepare for middle school and beyond.

Fast Facts

1957 Year Creekside Was Built

Creekside School was the original Dexter High School, completed in 1958. In 2002, the new High School was built on Parker Road and Creekside Intermediate took over the building at 2615 Baker Rd. 

Many Clubs

Did you know that Creekside has beehives and a honeybee club? Other clubs include Morning Sketching Club, Walk & Run Club, Garden Club, and Volleyball Club.

1 Extra Healthy Program

In 2019, Creekside earned the Michigan Healthy Schools: School Wellness Silver Award! One element of this achievement was the creation of the Creekside Zen Den, a space devoted to giving our students and staff moments of calm and mindfulness when they are needed most.

2000 Square feet of garden space

Creekside has a farm-to-school program and has a garden that feeds Dexter students. We also have a Kitchen & Garden Classroom that is utilized by Lifetime Fitness students and Flex classes to teach students to prepare healthful meals and snacks.